33rd International Cotton Conference Bremen, March 16-18th, 2016


Cotton is an annually renewable resource, a fibre with and in which people feel comfortable. Cotton has been spun for millennia and industrially processed for more than 250 years. Can cotton be both natural and high-tech at the same time? What are the current high-tech aspects of cotton con-sumption? Can we have high-tech textiles from natural fibre? The International Cotton Conference Bremen looks at cotton from cultivation right through to textile products. It unites the latest research with its practical use.
These will be some of the focal points in 2016:

In Bremen Bremen Cotton Exchange will provide the answers: Analyses, findings, research results, innovations and solutions will be presented and discussed. New for this Conference will be the Break-Out Sessions, which will extend the scientific character of the Confer-ence and at the same time provide a firework of subjects for everyone. In Keeping with tradition, the 33rd International Cotton Conference Bremen will take place from 16th to 18th March 2016 at the medieval Town Hall in the Hanseatic City of Bremen, Germany. The Bremen Conference is a unique meeting opportunity for people from all sides of the cotton business, from the cotton seed producer to the retailer. Meet-ings of various international organizations such as ICAC, ITMF and CICCA also contribute to the Conference, as well as social events such as the famous “Bremer Abend”.


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