Downloads/ Additional Information
More detailed data and materials are available for download here, including the list of Cotton Companies, Chain of Custody Guidelines and communication guidelines for marketing.
Do you produce textiles or deliver finished products, and are your clients demanding products bearing the CmiA label? You can easily meet this demand in five simple steps:
Register your company with ATAKORA Fördergesellschaft GmbH, the Aid by Trade Foundation’s marketing association. At this stage, you will be asked to provide additional information about your products and to appoint a contact person to oversee integration with CmiA.
After paying the membership fee, you will receive a CmiA membership number valid for one year and be added to all relevant lists and databases as a CmiA supplier.
Order the required amount of CmiA fabric or yarn from a CmiA-registered company. You absolutely must ensure that the factory receives the raw material, i.e. the yarn, from a spinning mill registered with Cotton made in Africa. A good practice is to regularly verify the CmiA membership/registration of your supply chain.
To ensure that the Cotton made in Africa implementation is traceable throughout the textile value chain, it is important that a remark on Cotton made in Africa is mentioned on all documents, including orders, contracts, and invoices.
As a textile producer, you enter your CmiA yarn or fabric purchases into CmiA’s SCOT Tracking System or acknowledge your business partners’ transactions via the same system. If your company is a multi-part or vertical production operation, the same requirements apply regarding your yarn or fabric usage.
You must record these amounts of CmiA fabric or yarn in your SCOT account by indicating the quantities pertaining to each CmiA order placed by a CmiA licensing partner (retailers and brands).
If a membership holder demonstrates poor participation in the CmiA Tracking System (i.e. by failing to fulfil CmiA orders or by failing to maintain regular transaction entries or acknowledgments via SCOT), the offender’s CmiA membership number can be revoked, meaning that the member is deleted from the relevant databases and lists and that all CmiA partners will be informed accordingly.
More detailed data and materials are available for download here, including the list of Cotton Companies, Chain of Custody Guidelines and communication guidelines for marketing.
Cotton made in Africa smooths the way for using sustainable raw materials in the mass market by providing you with advice and support for integration into existing procurement structures. Feel free to contact us by email:
Your contact persons