With every Cotton made in Africa garment you buy, you can make African smallholder farmers happier, because they directly profit from every single piece that wears the Cotton made in Africa seal. Through Cotton made in Africa, they receive trainings and learn how to better manage their small farms and how to sustainably and successfully cultivate cotton. Syayifuma Bwambal is one of 695.000 smallholders who cooperate with Cotton made in Africa: „in the trainings, we also talk about the roles of men and women. I now pay more attention to my wife‘s opinions. We have started to make decisions on spending our money together. My wife for instance had the idea to not only keep goats but to breed them as an additional source of income, next to cotton farming. And her idea has paid off – we already own 6 goats.“ Learn more about how you can participate and have a direct impact on cotton farmers‘ lives via www.wearasmile.org! #WearASmile with @CottonMadeInAfrica