Cotton made in Africa Reaches 670,000 Smallholder Farmers in Sub-Saharan Africa


Cotton made in Africa (CmiA) is an Aid by Trade Foundation (AbTF) initiative that helps African smallholders help themselves through trade. Specifically, it works for protecting the environment and for improving the living and working conditions for a large number of cotton farmers and their relatives in Sub-Saharan Africa. Therefore, an alliance of international textile companies built up by CmiA buys the sustainably grown cotton, integrates it into its textile value chains and pays a license fee to the foundation. The license fees paid by the demand partners are reinvested to benefit smallholder farmers and their families in the project countries directly. More than 670,000 smallholder farmers and their family members included more than 5.6 million people from Cameroon, Ethiopia, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Mozambique and Malawi as well as Zambia, Zimbabwe, Tanzania and Uganda are currently part of the CmiA program. A small red label on the product shows the consumer that with his purchase he has done something particularly good for the people in the producing countries and the environment.

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